St. Louis Mirror Wall: Home gyms can be a bit of an investment, but many people find them to be a necessity. Not only will you have the chance to ditch the monthly gym membership, but the convenience makes it easier to squeeze in a quick workout before the day begins. If you’ve been thinking about setting up a home gym, one of the best things you can do is install a mirror wall. This will allow you to check out your form and make sure you’re not risking any injuries. Before you get going on your wall, here’s a few things to keep in mind: 

Quality, Not Quantity 

While some people choose to set up a mirror wall by using multiple cheaper mirrors, this might not be the best solution. Not only can it look messy, but it will also distort your image. The reflection across mirrors can be disproportionate, causing you to miss crucial mistakes. This is also why making sure you get thick glass mirrors instead of cheap acrylic ones is pretty vital. 

To Frame Or Not To Frame

Framing throughout your wall can make an interesting statement and will elevate the look of your wall, but it’s important to make sure the framing won’t get in the way while you’re making sure your form is flawless. If you choose to go with framing, make sure the surface area between pieces is large enough that you’re not having to dodge your statement wall. 

Safety First 

Because a home gym will see a lot of action, it’s crucial to make sure your glass can stand up to the test of time. Tempered glass is always a safe bet for a project like this because it has been designed to shatter into square bits rather than shards so you’re less likely to get cut if you have an accident where a kettlebell slips out of your hands (don’t judge. It happens!).

If you’ve been considering installing a mirror wall, we’d love to help. At St. Louis Glass Works, glass is (literally) our business! Contact us today so we can get you started on your dream home gym. 

St. Louis Mirror Wall