Broken Specialty Glass St. Louis: When you’re buying a house, you want accents that help it stand out from the rest. Whether it’s a fireplace or a winding staircase that catches your eye, you want to make sure you find a space that feels unique to you. This can make it especially heartbreaking when that beloved fixture gets damaged. If you’re currently dealing with something like a broken leaded glass window or cabinet pane, here are a few tips to repair it. 

Can You DIY It?

Short answer, yes. But “should you?” is an entirely different question. Look, you don’t need a professional glass company to tell you that glass can be dangerous! If you’re intent on trying out your HGTV skills, make sure you use all the safety equipment such as gloves and goggles. 

Replacing the glass will require removing the broken pane, making a template, cutting a new piece of glass, soldering it, and cementing it. If you’re feeling a little rusty on any of these skills, we really suggest you call in an expert. This way, you can get it done right without the stress headache!

If you’re okay with a little character, you can always just fill in the crack. To do this, you’ll want to clean the crack and use a low-viscosity glue. This can be a good solution for a hairline crack on an antique window so you can preserve the charm as well as your savings account. 

Using a Professional

This is the solution we recommend for larger cracks. Not only will it save you from labor (and potential cuts), but it will ensure you have a result that looks like new. Many glass companies can replace just the cracked area, leaving you with stunning results. This will also save you from additional cracks or damage down the road. 

If you’re dealing with a cracked window, give us a call, and we’ll let you know what we can do to make your home shine again! At St. Louis Glass Works, we love giving our clients results they’ll positively love. Contact us today to find out more. 

Broken Specialty Glass St. Louis: